Goals/ objectives (MEDICAL PROGRAMS)
There are two major goals for the M.E.D. Preventative and specific objectives with each of the goals.
GOAL #1- To reduce the number and degree of preventative illnesses among Haitians, the underinsured and the uninsured areas of the Haiti
Objective 1.1- To improve awareness of diseases which are preventable and which may be easily treated.
Objective 1;2 – To provide with relevant screening to detect health problems.
Objective 1.3 –To provide with referrals to healthcare providers.
Objective 1.4 – To provide with relevant information regarding health and themselves and nutrition.
Objective 1.5 – To assist in learning how to effectively apply health and nutrition in helping themselves and their children to be healthier.
Objective 1.6 – To teach how to evaluate changes in the health of themselves and their children.
Objective 1.7 –Educate parents about children safety, immunizations and other health and wellness issues.
Objective 1.8 – To discourage drug and alcohol use and promote healthy life choices.
Objective 1.9 – To encourage sexual abstinence and discourage behavior which increases the risk for AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Objective 2.0 – To improve the rate of immunization of all children in poverty-stricken areas.
Objective 2.1 – Continue and expand positive relationships with; churches schools, the medical community and health related organization(s).