After School Program
LE FILS DU TRES HAUT FOUNDATION, INC., Is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization. The purpose of this proposal is for implementation of the MED purchase Preventive Health Mobile Unit and expansion for preventive Health Care Programs.
In today’s increasingly complex world of technology and globalization, it is essential for Ministries to equip the next generation of visionaries with the specialized knowledge needed to solve challenging problems and apply critical thinking skills to make informed decisions.
We teach life skills to at risk youth with a central focus on financial literacy and entrepreneurship.
We believe that financial literacy is the key to eradicating unhealthy living conditions, as well as the biggest missing ingredient in our current educational system.
Our aim is to supplement what’s missing in the educational system to alleviate the unhealthy practices that cause impoverished conditions. Within our financial literacy program is a Career Development initiative. The career development initiative, is designed to align our participants with entrepreneurs who lead lives of success in the marketplace that our youth can immolate
LE FILS DU TRES HAUT FOUNDATION, INC., desires to establish a lifelong connection of sowing into our youth. It is important to understand that although college can be a joyous time, there are also moments of difficulty. Through those moments, we do not want you to give up nor become defeated.
LE FILS DU TRES HAUT FOUNDATION, INC., After School Program will be delivered in an array of models: peer support, parent participation, mentoring component and educational.
The After School Program Peer Support modules will provide teaching on positive, non-judgmental methods of providing support. The training will include meditation and conflict resolution skills. Within group meeting, participants will be encouraged to support each other and to share their feelings.
The After School Program Parent Participation modules focuses on mentoring parents, and/or community leaders into responsible role models. By increasing parents’ awareness of healthy life-style behaviors, increasing parenting and communication skills and encouraging adults, in the community to take advantage of educational and job placement opportunities, parents will become active role models and coaches for their children.
The After School Program Mentoring module is a strong facet of the health and fitness. Positive role models, especially males are valuable resources for children. Mentors will be matched by gender and will receive training and supervision through the program coordinator. Mentoring will be an on-going component of the health and fitness.
The After School Program Educational module focuses on completion of homework, ongoing assessment of needed based on student performance, and participation in other extra-curricular activities.