We value the youth as the cornerstone of a successful and productive community. The proper growth and development of children within the family structure from prenatal to adolescence is a proven asset to any community. The youth are culturally and economically diverse and take many forms. Our aim is to provide all children with quality youth care.
The After School Program provides Career Development initiative, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, tutorial, Health & fitness and mentoring services. The program will serve families with children ages 5 to 17. These youths, males and females will be from various communities. These youth are children with parents or guardians who work, or otherwise are not regularly available to provide supervision during the out of school hours. These children are at greater risk of truancy, poor grades, stress, and risk-taking behavior.
Approximately 80% of children’s waking hours outside of the school. Statewide, there are over 500 thousands children between the ages of 5 and 12. Of those children, experts estimate that about 48% were in need of out-of-school child care. However, only 14.7% of those children were actually enrolled in care.
Our After School Program where these children can learn necessary life skills, relax, thrive for academic excellence and have fun in a safe
environment. Results from studies conducted over the last six years indicate that the time children spend during non-school hours can have tremendous impact on their lives. “At Risk” children are more likely to be involved in accidents, be victimized and suffer from psychological trauma. Children left home alone may also experience vary degrees of loneliness, boredom, fear, depression, use alcohol, marijuana or cigarettes and suffer poor academic achievement. According to professionals, such scenarios results in inappropriate stress for children, regardless of safely instructions provided by parents.
Over fifty-fifty (55) percent of the families in the target area are single-parent, female headed households where there is frequently lack of positive male role models to offer emotional support, instill moral values and increase self-esteem and dignity of the youth. Over ninety (90) percent of these households have incomes below the poverty level.
Because the After School Program will be supervised and directed by member of Wealth Education, Inc., and members of the community, families feel comfortable participating. The comfort level will be expanded with extension of an invitation for parents to participate in enjoyable and culture activities and parent educational workshops. Motivation is a critical emphasis. We believe that if we can effectively communicate our stated goals of the program and couple them with the desired outcomes of the child and family; develop realistic approaches to achieve the stated goals; and with the mutual commitment made between the child/family participates and LE FILS DU TRES HAUT FOUNDATION, INC., we can ensure successful participation in our program.